Friday, April 16, 2010

Teeny Weeny Bikini Challenge!

As a fun challenge for myself and for anyone else (if anyone actually is reading my blog.) I decided to make a goal, rules, rewards, and penalties for myself to prepare for the upcoming months of summer and the formerlly dreaded bikini season. Ok here goes...


Weigh 90lbs by June 1st


  1. 100% Vegan Meals

  2. 700-800 Daily Calorie Intake (1,000 on Weekends)

  3. 30min + Daily Exercise
My Current Stats:

Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 102 lbs

And the countdown begins...
100-pick up an inspiring book or two to read
98-Start re-stretching ears
96-get a couple new fitness tapes
94-haircut, color, and deep condition
92-get myself a cute 2 piece swimsuit


If I fail to adhere to the day's challenge guidlines I will do the following...

  1. Take the excess calories off of tommorrows intake.

  2. Exercise for an additional 30min.

  3. Clean the messiest room of the house.
I Pinky Promise.

Daily Stats 4/16

Weight: 102 lbs (%$#@&#)
Exercise: Bellydancing for 30 minutes (pathetic...i know)

Breakfast: Instant apple cinnamon oatmeal with raisins and a splash of soymilk 250 cal
Lunch: 2/3 of a rice, cranberry, and "meat" crumble stuffed acorn squash 311 cal
Snack: A few bites of chocolate 50 cal
Dinner: 1 cup creamy butternut squash soup and the rest of the stuffed squash from earlier 256 cal
After Dinner: Lax tea 0 cal

Total Calories: 867 calories (tsk tsk...)

Feeling: Blah...I'm hungry and irritated that I'm not losing doesn't help my confidence that I went over my 700-800 calorie limit today. I really hope the scale is merciful tommorrow morning...Anyway heres the bellydancing video I've been using from youtube. They're the same girls I watched religiously last summer. They're so helpful, I feel like I'm learning alot and I really hope I stick with it this time. I'd love to perform for my boyfriend or on stage if I was really good. HA! I'm such a dreamer...There's 8 videos in one show so you have to click the next one after every 5 minutes or so, but it's free so it's all good.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Daily Stats 4/15

Weight: 102.1 lbs
Exercise: Walk around the block..

Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins brown sugar and a splash soymilk 370 cal
Lunch: Amy's veggie loaf meal with a touch of vegan "butter" 300 cal
Snack: tea 0 cal
Dinner: 1/2 cup Creamy Butternut Squash Soup and a cup of green tea 45 cal

Total Calories: 715 calories

Feeling: Excited! Wasn't too happy about waking up this morning 2 pounds heavier but now I'm commited to getting down to my goal of 90lbs by summer. I calculated the calories I need to consume to drop 2 pounds a week a which ended up being 700-800 calories/day.

Current Weight: 102

A Far Cry from Self Realization

Sometimes I'm convinced there are two of me, either working in harmony or fighting to no end. One part of me is a lover of the earth and all, with the ultimate goal of spiritual awakening. Another is a person like any other...alive, confused, lonely, sad, remorseful, dead... In that being I see no other road to happiness than through the vain pursuit of physical perfection. I want to be beautiful and loved and sexy, with eternal looks and vitality. Sometimes I sicken myself. The truth most often is sickening...Anyway enough rambling on about wants and wishes, heres a little about who I am and where I've been.

About Me:
My name is Amber, I was born in Dallas, Texas. I don't remember much from a young age, but I had a strong love for animals, and nature, freedom...something I've held with me to this day. I once heard that you should never let go of the things you loved most at the age of five, because that was you at your highest state of perfection. Hmm...I remember my parents fighting alot and fearing my dad and hating my mom. I wasn't really a normal kid. I wanted to be put in karate and ballet classes, which was turned out to be hopeless dreaming. I wasn't alowed to go to friend's houses or sleepovers or go to summer camp. I was quiet at school, not like normal quiet, I didn't talk. I had a couple friends and that was it. Friends never lasted though, I moved schools every year or every other year. I spent most of my time at home, hoping for something better. My release was when I went swimming at the apartment pool or to the zoo or park or pet store or to see my cousins, my best friends in California. At 12 I moved to Michigan, I began opening myself up more to people and friends. At 14 I moved again to another city in Michigan and here Is where I reside. A small lonely town of narrow minds and people who are just stuck I suppose. At 16 things started changing. I started talking more and ignoring the strict rules of my parents. I had a few life altering experiences, got a boyfriend, got in a bit of trouble, ran away and came back. At 17 I realized my boyfriend was abusive but it was too late, I was pregnant. At 18 I gave birth to a son. Here I am, jobless, carless, still living with my parents at 19, dreaming of a way to escape this hell hole...I am depressed and increasingly hopeless...


1. Start a business and save enough money to buy a car and move from this place with my son once and for all. I don't want to spend another summer in this empty town.

2. Look good enough (in my honest opinion) to wear a bikini by summer... Goal Weight: 90lbs. Current Weight: 102lbs.

Yesterday I purchased 2 fitness tapes of Amazon: Bellydance Fitness for Beginners: Slim Down" and Yoga Cleanse - Lighten Up & Purify - with Ana Brett & Ravi Singh. Hmm...I'll yet you know how it gos. :}

Beauty as I see it...
